Activate DrayDDNS Service for a Free Hostname

Since firmware version 3.8.7 on DrayOS models, and 1.4.0 on Linux models, a totally free DDNS service - DrayDDNS is provided to every Vigor Router. Each device can register for one hostname at the domain, it works for all the WAN interfaces, and only need to renew once a year. This article will demonstrate how to set up the DrayDDNS service on your router.

Activate DrayDDNS Service

1. Go to Applications >> Dynamic DNS Setup, Enable Dynamic DNS Setup.

 a screenshot of DrayOS DDNS Serupt

2. Go to Wizards >> Service Activation Wizard page, wait for the router to connect to MyVigor server, then:

  1. Select DT-DDNS
  2. Enter the domain name of your choice
  3. Make sure you have read the License Agreement, then check "I have read and accept the above Agreement", then click Next.
a screenshot of DrayOS Service Activation Wizard

3. Confirm the information, then click Activate.

a screenshot of DrayOS Service Activation Wizard

4. MyVigor server will reply with the service activation information below.

a screenshot of DrayOS Service Activation Wizard

5. Vigor router will contact with MyVigor server, then retrieve the DrayDDNS license as well as the domain name then create the DDNS profile automatically. Go to Applications >> Dynamic DNS Setup page to make sure the router has created the DDNS profile. (Note: If the router did not get the domain after the license activation, it may due to the router did not communicate with MyVigor server yet. You may reboot the router to trigger the process.)

a screenshot of DrayOS DDNS Setup
Modify the Hostname

At this moment, you can only modify the domain name on MyVigor website, which means you will need to register the router to MyVigor server first to modify the domain name.

1. Visit or go to Applications >> Dynamic DNS Setup >> DrayDDNS profile and click Edit domain.

a screenshot of DrayOS DDNS Setup

2. Log in to MyVigor Website, choose the profile, then click Service Status, switch to DrayDDNS, and click DDNS domain,

3. The router will get the new domain name when it performs next DDNS updating, we can click Sync domain to speed up the process. After a few seconds, the router will get the new domain name and show on the profiles list.

a screenshot of DrayOS DDNS Setup a screenshot of DrayOS DDNS Setup
Domain Update

DrayDDNS server will remove the registered domain which has not had the license information updated for 30 days.
The Vigor Router will check and refresh the DrayDDNS license:

  • once each day.
  • When the router restarts.
  • When WAN IP has changed.

When the DrayDDNS domain has not been updated been 15, 23 days you will receive a notification mail from MyVigor. This can occur if the Vigor router has lost connection to the Internet for a period of time. In this case click the link in the notification email to update the domain status manually to retain your domain entry.
In addition, ensure you have registered the router to the MyVigor and the mail address of MyVgior account is still available, or you will miss the mail.

a screenshot of an update notification email

Note: If you obtain the static IP for the Vigor, you still need to renew the domain manually from the notification mail.

If the problem remains there, please:

  • Upgrade router firmware to the latest one.
  • Click Sync domain in Dynamic DNS Account Setup.
  • Login to MyVigor web page. Click Force Sync on Service Status page.
  • Telnet/SSH to the router CLI.
  • Use router to ping "ip ping", the address should be, if the IP is wrong, please change WAN DNS server to
  • Reboot the router to force router to update myvigor.
  • Send issue report from page.

1. Before using the DrayDDNS service, it is required to register your router to your MyVigor account, you can do that by clicking Product Registration from the menu.

a screenshot of Vigor2960 WUI  

2. Go to Applications >> Dynamic DNS >> Setting page . Select the profile "ddns1" and click Edit:

  1. Check Enable
  2. Select the WAN interface to which you would like the DrayDDNS to be associated.
  3. Select DrayDDNS (Global) for Service Provider
  4. Click Apply
a screenshot of Vigor2960 DDNS Setup  

3. If you enable the DrayDDNS service, the router will send the WAN IP info to DrayDDNS Service Provider. Read the Terms of Service and click OK if you agree.

a screenshot of Vigor2960 DDNS Setup   

4. Go to Applications >> Dynamic DNS >> DrayDDNS License page and click Activate URL.

a screenshot of Vigor2960 DrayDDNS License page  

5. It will lead you to MyVigor portal. Log in with your myVigor account.

6. Enter the Device Name, and click submit.

7. Swtich to DrayDDNS and click Activate License.

8. Click Accept for License Agreement.

9. Click Activate.

10. Wait a few seconds to see if the registration is successful or not.

11. And back to My product >>your device name>>Service Status, and then click and enter the DDNS Domain.

12. Go to Applications >> Dynamic DNS >> DrayDDNS License to check the license state.

a screenshot of Vigor2960 DrayDDNS License page

13. Go to Applications >> Dynamic DNS >> Setting and we will see the Domain Name and the DDNS Status are updated successfully.

a screenshot of Vigor2960 DDNS Setup
Domain Update

DrayDDNS server will remove the domain which does not update its IP for 30 days. You should receive the notification mail from MyVigor if your DrayDDNS domain has been 15, 23 days without updating. You may press the link to update the domain status manually, and Draytek will keep your domain.
In addition, please make sure you have registered the router to the MyVigor and the mail address of MyVgior account is still available, or you will miss the mail.

a screenshot of DrayDDNS notification mail

Note: If you obtain the static IP for the Vigor, you still need to renew the domain manually from the notification mail.

Published On: 2018-05-22 

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