Backup and Restore CPE's Config via VigorACS

In this note, we will demonstrate how to backup and restore the CPE's configuration by VigorACS, how to assure the backup/restore has taken place, and how to find the location for saved configuration files.


Manual backup for single CPE

To back up for the single CPE, we could do it immediately from the CPE Dashboard > Quick Tools > Backup Config.

You could also select one of CPE and go to the Device Menu > Configuration > System > Maintenance then click backup.

Note: Download config option will allow you to download the latest backup config from the ACS server.

Schedule backup for multiple CPEs

To back up the configuration of multiple devices at the same time, we could go to the System Menu > Maintenance > Scheduled Backup page and follow the steps:

1. Switch to "Backup Setting Profile" tab and press "Add" to create the backup profile

2. Click Save to save the backup setting profile

3. Switch back to the Network & Device tab. Select the backup profile on the network or device and save it.

Location of the backup config file

The backup file will be saved on the File manager automatically, ACS will create the folder with folder name model_MAC. For the real path of the server storage, you may refer the detail information with the File manager of ACS.

Restore Config

To restore the saved configuration file on the specific device, we could select the CPE and go to Device Menu > Configuration > System > Maintenance again. Then, select the restore config type:

To restore settings for multiple devices at the same time, go to the System Menu > Maintenance > Configuration Restore page and follow the steps:

1. Switch to Restore Setting Profile tab and click Add to create the restore profile

2. Click Save to save the restore setting profile< /p>

3. Switch back to the Network & Device tab. Select the Restore profile and config file on the device. Then enable the profile and save it.

Quick Setup allows to batch import a ACL profile to APs or Switches.

1. Upload the ACL file in File Manager first

2. Click Quick Setup, select the ACL file, Restore profile and select the Networks or Devices

3. Confirm the application then Apply

How to check the log of backup and restore

We can find the log if the backup or restore event occurred from Monitoring > Log > File Transfer. The prefix of CommandKey describes the event type:

Why CPE didn't do backup and restore

1. Check the server time: While specifying the scheduled time on your reboot profile, it should base on the ACS server time instead of your computer's system time.

2. Enable Periodic Inform: Please make sure you have already enabled Periodic Inform setting on System Maintenance >> TR-069 setting of CPE WebUI

Published On:2018-12-05 

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