Use MPLS and Internet connection on your Vigor Router at the same time

Some companies have an MPLS VPN lease line for connecting to the head office, and another line for accessing the Internet also. How can they use the two different connections on a single router? This article describes how to set up a Vigor Router for routing to the private network via WAN1 MPLS VPN and accessing the Internet via WAN2 at the same time.

1. WAN Setup

Go to WAN >> Internet Access and configure the WAN connections according to what ISPs provide.

set up wan1 set up wan2
2. LAN VLAN Setup

Go to LAN >> VLAN,

If you don't need all LAN clients to access the head office network over the MPLS connection, you can select the specific ports to LAN2 Subnet only.

set up vlan
3. LAN Setup

Go to LAN >> General Setup, click on Details Page for LAN 2.

Set up TCP/IP details for LAN 2,

set up lan2
4. Route Policy Setup

Go to Routing >> Load-Balance/ Route Policy and set up Force Routing via WAN1

set up load balance policy 1-1 set up load balance policy 1-2 set up load balance policy 1-3

5. Set up another Policy Route rule to Force any Traffic NAT via WAN2

set up load balance policy 2-1

After finishing the above configurations, PC or Server that connects to LAN Ports with IP settings as IP 192.168.2.xx/ mask Gateway IP will be able to access the head office network via WAN1, and access the Internet through WAN2 at the same time.

Published On:2020-07-14 

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