Set Up Multi-PVC and Open a Virtual WAN Interface

This document demonstrates how to configure the Multi-PVC on Vigor Router for the triple-play services, and open a virtual WAN Interface and allows multiple devices on LAN to use a single IP address for communication with the service provider.

1. Go to WAN >> Multi-PVC/VLAN, click on channel 5, 6 or 7.

a screenshot of DrayOS Multi PVC/VLAN list

2. Configure the channel as follows:

  1. Enable this channel.
  2. Set WAN Type to the WAN interface where the service provider is on.
  3. Enter the VLAN Tag and Priority as the service provider requires.
  4. Enable "Open WAN Interface for this Channel", and select the application which will be used on this channel. (Note: this option is only available on channel 5-7).
  5. Set up the Internet Access type as the ISP requires.
a screenshot of DrayOS multi-PVC/VLAN channel setup

3. Click OK to save the profile and reboot the router to apply the settings. After the router restart, go to Online Status >> Virtual WAN to make sure the WAN interface is up and has obtained an IP address.

a screenshot of DrayOS Online Status

4. Now, you may use the virtual WAN interface for applications such as IGMP Proxy, this can be done by selecting the WAN interface as "PVC/VLAN".

a screenshot of DrayOS IGMP configuration

Published On:2016-07-29 

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