OSPF(Open Shortest Path First) is a dynamic routing protocol which let network administrator create the routing easily between two routers by just adding the LAN interface into the profile. OSPF also makes the routing more flexible. If the LAN setting is changed, Network Administrator does not need to change the routing setting. The router will send the OSPF LS Update packet to update new information with another router. After the exchange finishes, the router will update the routing information in Routing Table.
Suppose the two Vigor3910 both have several routing subnets, and we would like them to exchange the routing information with each other. This article demonstrates how to set up OSPF routing on Vigor3910 for meeting the purpose.
Supported Model/ Firmware: Vigor3910 firmware version 3.9.7
1 .Go to Routing >> OSPF. Check Enable OSPF.
2 .In the Profile setting, choose the Interface which the routers use to exchange the routing information with each other.
Both WAN interfaces must be in the same network.
3 .Add the Routing LAN networks which would be exchanged.
Please note that the Area ID, Password, and Key ID must be the same on both routers so that two routers can exchange the routing information.
Wait for a moment. Vigor Router will exchange the routes via OSPF. We can see if the routes are exchanged successfully via Diagnostics >> View Routing Table page.
For OSPF routing, you need to use routing LAN instead of NAT LAN to make the device from the outside network access your network. Because your router won't allow unknown IP to access its local LAN (even though the device has had router's LAN IP) with NAT LAN.
If the route cannot be seen on Routing Table after setting the OSPF, please try to do the troubleshooting ways below.
1 .Check if the interface which connects with another router is correct in the OSPF setting. If the interfaces two routers connect with are LAN-WAN, please make sure the LAN interface is routing LAN.
2 .Capture Wireshark packets of the interface. Check if the LS Update packets of both routers are sent to each other.
Published On:2021-07-30
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