Manage the Router from the Internet

Vigor Router offers remote management access; however, it is disabled for security reason. If you would like to manage the router from the Internet, follow the steps below.

1. Connect to the Internet

Make sure the WAN Interface is online, and the router has a public IP address that can be reached from th Internet. Write down the WAN IP.

a screenshot of DrayOS online status
2. Allow access from the Internet

Go to System Maintenance >> Management page, check Allow management from the Internet, and enable for the management interface you'd like to access from the Internet. (SSH for CLI, HTTPS access for the Web UI). With the configuration above, you may access the router's web management page from the Internet by https://[The Router's WAN IP].

a screenshot of DrayOS System Management page
3. (Recommended) Set up Access List

To restrict the remote access to a specific IP only, enable Access List then add the public IP of the remote host into the IP List. (The option should be disabled if the remote access peer doesn't have a static public IP. )

Enter a number at index in IP object, IP/musk will automatically show the corresponding profile at IP object.
When You click IP object, it will switch to the IP Object page, you can check the index number for the IP.

4. (Recommended) Change management port

For higher security, you may change the port for management. If you change the management port, you will need to specify the port number after the IP address. For example, with the configuration below, you may access the router's management page by https://[The Router's WAN IP]:4433

a screenshot of DrayOS Management Port Setup
5. (Recommended) Enable Brute Force Attack

To protect the router from attackers guessing the administration password.

a screenshot of DrayOS Brute Force Protection
6. Access the router from the Internet

Open a browser, input https://[the router's WAN IP] in the address bar, and hit Enter. You should see the login page of the router's Web-based UI. (NOTE: If you changed the router's HTTPS port, specify the port number after the IP address.)

a screenshot of Vigor2925 management page
1. Connect to the Internet

Make sure the WAN Interface is online, and the router has a public IP address.

2. Allow access from the Internet

Go to System Maintenance >> Access Control. At Internet Access Control, select “Enable” for the management interface you'd like to access from the Internet. (SSH for CLI, HTTPS access for the Web UI). With the configuration above, you may access the router's web management page from the Internet by https://[Vigor3900's WAN IP].

a screenshot of Vigor3900 Access Control settings
3. (Recommended) Set up Access List

To restrict the remote access to a specific IP only, enable Access List then add the public IP of the remote host into the IP List. THe configuration below means only the host from IP will be able to access the router from WAN. (The option should be disabled if the remote access peer doesn't have a static public IP. )

a screenshot of Vigor3900 Access List
4. (Recommended) Change management port

For higher security, you may change the port for management. If you change the management port, you will need to specify the port number after the IP address. For example, with the configuration below, you may access the router's management page by https://[Vigor3900's WAN IP]:4433

a screenhsot of Vigor3900 Access Port Setup

Published On: 2016-06-24 

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